News Categories: Media Release

By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Ministry of Labour and Social Security Responds Urgently to Fire Victims in Kingston

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Monday, August 28, 2023


Ministry of Labour & Social Security Responds Urgently to Fire Victims in Kingston



The Ministry of Labour and Social Security’s team of Social Workers attached to the Kingston and St. Andrew Parish Office was kept busy on Thursday, conducting assessments, and delivering urgently needed disaster relief supplies to families affected by two fires in Central Kingston.

The team delivered nineteen (19) mattresses, along with groceries, drinking water, blankets, and toiletries and cleaning supplies to the occupants of 33½ Rum Lane. Thirty (30) persons were left homeless following a fire which destroyed three houses and their contents early Thursday morning.

The team’s second stop was at 6½ Rosemarie Lane, where 21 persons had been left homeless due to another fire Thursday morning. Fifteen (15) mattresses were delivered to the householders, along with a quantity of food and drinking water, bedding, toiletries, and sanitation supplies.

The Ministry’s team has invited the affected families to visit the parish office for further assistance.


PAA speaks briefly with fire victims

Public Assistance Administrator at the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Dexter Phillips (R), speaks briefly with one of the fire victims, Patricia Campbell (L), during last Thursday’s (August 24) delivery of relief supplies to the thirty (30) individuals whose homes were destroyed by fire early that morning, in the Rum Lane community of Central Kingston.



MLSS vehicles delivers mattresses

One of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security’s dispatch vehicles delivers new mattresses and other relief supplies to the thirty (30) fire victims who were burnt out of their homes last Thursday morning (August 24), in Rum Lane, downtown Kingston.


MLSS team uploads relief supplies into vehicle

The Ministry of Labour and Social Security’s Public Assistance team unloads one of the Ministry’s dispatch vehicles filled with relief supplies, to hand over to the families whose home was completely destroyed by fire on Thursday, August 24, in Rosemarie Lane, Kingston.


Contact: Marcia Bolt Williams, Dir. Public Relations & Communication (876) 298-7025 or (876) 967-5484
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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Minister of Labour and Social Security Delivers Assistance to Fire Victims in Clarendon

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Thursday, August 24, 2023


Ministry of Labour & Social Security Delivers Assistance to Fire Victims in Clarendon



The Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., on Tuesday provided assistance to a family in the Community of Dampy, Clarendon, following the loss of their home and belongings to a fire on Saturday, August 19.

Minister Charles Jr. and a team of Social Workers from the Ministry’s May Pen office delivered groceries, mattresses, blankets, a gas stove, and cleaning supplies as part of the Ministry’s emergency response.

Ms. Lola Edwards, head of the household shared her appreciation for the items and expressed the hope that the next time the Minister visits it will “be under better circumstances”.

In his remarks, Minister Charles Jr. said, “I wish that there was something that could be put in place to minimize the number of fires as Clarendon is one of the parishes with the most fires annually. However, I give you my commitment that I will do my best to provide every possible means of assistance to your family, both in my capacity as Labour Minister and Social Services Minister and Member of Parliament.”

The Ministry’s team has invited the family to visit the parish office for further assistance as soon as they are in receipt of the official report from the Jamaica Fire Brigade.


minister present disaster relief supplies

Minister of Labour and Social Security, Hon Pearnel Charles Jr., (2nd Right), Acting Parish Manager, Mr. Bartholomew Redwood (L) and Public Assistance Administrator, Ms. Millicent Blair (R) present disaster relief supplies to Ms. Lola Edwards (2nd L), following a fire at her home.


minister view photos of damages

Minister of Labour and Social Security, Hon Pearnel Charles Jr., and Ms. Lola Edwards (Fire victim) viewing photos of the damage done to her dwelling on her phone.


minister separate cleaning items

Minister of Labour and Social Security, Hon Pearnel Charles Jr., and Acting Parish Manager, Mr. Bartholomew Redwood separate cleaning items to assist Ms. Lola Edwards with the clean-up process after a fire destroyed her home.


Contact: Marcia Bolt Williams, Dir. Public Relations & Communication (876) 298-7025 or (876) 967-5484
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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Ministry of Labour & Social Security Investigates Claim of Victimization

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Friday, August 18, 2023


Ministry of Labour & Social Security Investigates Claim of Victimization


The Ministry of Labour and Social Security reiterates that we consider all complaints from farm workers seriously and that we have taken particular note of the publication in the Jamaica Observer referencing allegations of victimization against farm workers. We are unable to substantiate the allegations as publicised by the Jamaica Observer and have received no formal complaint from the workers. Nevertheless, due to the serious nature of the allegations we have invited the workers to a meeting today to hear from them directly as we continue to investigate this matter.

Our preliminary investigations thus far have revealed the following:

1. For the farm in issue there has been a notable fallout in production yield from the early cycle crops – asparagus and strawberry

2. Based on changes in climatic conditions the Spring Frost impacted the crop production, causing a decline in projected crop yields.

3. Early cessation of employment is a common occurrence based on circumstances affecting crop production as is observed on several farms in Canada

4. Environmental factors – Climate Change

5. Several farm workers who were a party to the incident earlier in July are still on the job in Canada.

The Ministry will investigate this matter thoroughly and communicate our findings.




Contact: Marcia Bolt Williams, Dir. Public Relations & Communication (876) 298-7025 or (876) 967-5484
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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Jamaican and Chinese Governments Pledge to Further Strengthen Bilateral Relations

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Friday, August 11, 2023


Jamaican and Chinese Governments Pledge to Further Strengthen Bilateral Relations


The Ministry of Labour and Social Security has reiterated the Government of Jamaica’s commitment to further strengthen cooperation and bilateral relations with the Peoples’ Republic of China. Labour Minister, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., accompanied by Minister of State, Dr. the Hon. Norman Dunn, and Permanent Secretary, Mrs. Colette Roberts Risden, hosted His Excellency, Chen Daojiang, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Jamaica, during a Courtesy Call at the Ministry’s North Street office, on Wednesday, August 2.

In welcoming the Ambassador, Minister Charles expressed his appreciation for the excellent relations that Jamaica has always enjoyed with the past Chinese Ambassadors to Jamaica, and noted that his presence was of great significance to the Ministry.  For his part, Ambassador Chen Daojiang expressed his pleasure in meeting with the Ministers, and thanked them for the opportunity to discuss labour market issues of mutual interest to both countries.

The Ministers engaged the Ambassador in discussions surrounding opportunities for infusing Chinese expertise into Jamaican Industry, especially prospective opportunities for training and upskilling of the Jamaican workforce. The Ministers expressed particular interest in the employment of simulators in circumstances where face-to-face training was not practical. The discussion included possibilities for the training and development of a pool of skilled master-builders, as a means of providing new, enhanced opportunities for the Jamaican workforce, and the provision of technical assistance to help infuse a culture of workplace safety in Jamaican Industry.

The Chinese Ambassador thanked the Jamaican government for the opportunities provided to Chinese nationals and Chinese industry in Jamaica, and for the confidence reposed in the Chinese government. He invited the Jamaican Government to take advantage of the opportunities for funding provided under the Global Development Initiative, and pledged China’s continued support of and friendship with the Government of Jamaica.


Minister of Labour & Social Security, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., (R) and His Excellency, Chen Daojiang, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Jamaica (2nd R), share a light moment after a Courtesy Call at the Ministry’s 1F North Street offices in Kingston on Wednesday, August 2, 2023. Also pictured are Dr. the Hon. Norman Dunn, Minister of State (2nd L), and Permanent Secretary, Mrs. Colette Roberts Risden (L).


Labour Minister Pearnel Charles Jr., (Centre) engages Chinese Ambassador, His Excellency, Chen Daojiang and his delegation in discussions on strengthening diplomatic partnership between Jamaica and China. Min. Charles was accompanied Dr. the Hon. Norman Dunn, Minister of State in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (2nd L) Permanent Secretary, Mrs. Colette Roberts Risden (3rd L), and Senior Advisor to the Minister, Mr. Bindley Sangster (1st L).


Contact: Marcia Bolt Williams, Dir. Public Relations & Communication (876) 298-7025 or (876) 967-5484
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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Monday, August 7, 2023 to be Observed as Independence Day

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Wednesday, July 26, 2023


Monday, August 7, 2023 to be Observed as Independence Day


The Ministry of Labour and Social Security is advising members of the public that Independence Day will be observed on Monday, August 7, 2023.

This is in keeping with the Holidays (Public General) Act, 1895, which provides that where Independence Day falls on a Sunday, it is to be observed on the following Monday.



Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

MLSS Settles Wage Disputes between National Water Commission and Unions

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Monday, July 18, 2023


MLSS Settles Wage Disputes between National Water Commission and Unions


Following the threat of industrial action from the National Water Commission (NWC), the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MLSS) has after eight (8) days of negotiations secured an agreement between the entity and the unions representing its workers.

The Honourable Pearnel Charles Jr., signed the agreement this afternoon and stated that, “After a lengthy round of negotiations we can report that we have secured an agreement between the NWC and the five (5) unions representing its workers.  The MLSS continues to serve as a platform for constructive dialogue and we thank the parties including the Ministry of Finance and Public Service for engaging in this process that has resulted in an amicable resolution.”

Over two thousand (2000), workers from the NWC were restive and served seventy two hours (72) hours strike notice in respect of concerns with the implementation of the compensation review. The main areas of concern included the conversion methodology and the treatment of travelling officers.


 Minister of Labour & Social Security, Hon. Pearnel Charels Jr., (C) President, National Water Commission Executive Staff Association, Mrs. Pamela Hall Newland, (1st L), General Secretary, National Workers Union, Mr. Granville Valentine, (1st R), joined by General Secretary, JALGO, Mrs. Helene Davis Whyte, (2nd L), Vice President, Bustamante Industrial Trade Union, Mr. Wesley Nelson, (2nd R), President, Union of Private & Public Employees, (UPPE), Mr. Fitzroy Bryan, (3rd L), President, National Water Commission, Mr. Mark Barnett (3rd R) joins in the signing of the New Compensation agreement for the National Water Commission. The parties are guided by Divisional Director, Industrial Relations & Allied Services, Ms Gillian Corrodus. (Standing)


Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Ministry of Labour & Social Security Urges Caution in Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Monday, July 13, 2023


Ministry of Labour & Social Security Urges Caution in Discrimination against Persons with Disabilities


The Ministry of Labour and Social Security takes note of recent concerns raised on Social Media regarding an alleged report of discrimination against a minor with a disability.

The Ministry is reminding members of the public that the Disabilities Act (2014) and its Regulations, which came into full effect on February 14, 2022, provide for the protection of Persons with Disabilities against discrimination in all forms, and that its provisions are enforceable by law.

The Ministry is also reaffirming that the Jamaica Council for Persons with Disabilities (JCPD) has been established as the lead public body to uphold and protect the rights of Persons with Disabilities in Jamaica.  Persons with Disabilities who have experienced discrimination by virtue of their disability are strongly encouraged to come forward and report their experiences to the JCPD, to enable the appropriate investigations into these matters.

Minister of Labour and Social Security, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., is appealing to Jamaicans to treat Persons with Disabilities with the greatest level of care and respect, and to ensure their full access to participation in all spheres of society.

“We firmly believe that every person, regardless of their abilities, deserves to be treated with respect and fairness. There should be no limitation or prevention in accessing any social services as this is a breach of Human Rights.  Our society must be more accommodating to ensure equal access for Persons with Disabilties” Minister Charles said.

The Ministry, through the JCPD, will continue to raise awareness about Disability Rights while empowering Persons with Disabilities and the various stakeholder groups to continue advocacy to achieve greater inclusivity.

The JCPD stands ready to assist individuals, employers and institutions in explaining the Accessibility Checklist available on the JCPD’s Website at; to help you to accommodate or make reasonable arrangements for persons with disabilities.

Members of the Public are invited to report any incident of discrimination to the JCPD by contacting (876) 968-8373/968-0623/618-1133, or by visiting the Council’s offices at 10 Ripon Road, Kingston 5. The public is also invited to visit the JCPD’s Website at  to learn more.


A Child with disability engages in a learning and teaching experience while using his tablet


Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
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By: MLSS PR Unit 0


labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Monday, July 10, 2023




The management of the National Water Commission and the five (5) unions representing its over two thousand (2000) workers met today at the Ministry of Labour and Social Security in respect of concerns with the compensation review.

Following several hours of conciliatory talks, the parties have agreed to further review the management’s revised proposal and resume talks at the Ministry on Wednesday, July 12, 2023, at 2: 00 p.m.

Labour Minister, Hon. Pearnel Charles Jr., has encouraged “all parties to remain in a state of normalcy during the conciliation process”.


Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Labour and Social Security State Minister to Participate in Third Regional Seminar on Social Development in Santiago, Chile

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Saturday, July 24, 2023


Labour and Social Security State Minister to Participate in Third Regional Seminar on Social Development in Santiago, Chile


Dr. the Hon. Norman Dunn, State Minister of Labor and Social Security, will leave the island on Sunday, June 25, to represent Jamaica at the Third Regional Seminar on Social Development.

The event – organized by the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, German Cooperation and the Ford Foundation – will be held under the theme “Promoting Labour Inclusion as a Way to Overcome Inequalities and Informality in Latin America and the Caribbean”, and will take place from June 27-29 at the United Nations regional organization’s headquarters in Santiago, Chile. This seminar will focus on the promotion of labour inclusion policies.

Participants will debate the strategies and innovations being proposed in the field of labour policies, as part of a transformative recovery with equality and sustainability in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Further attention will be directed to Social Development with the aim to foster informative discussions on labour inclusion policies that advance efforts to close gaps among academics. Contributors include regional decision-makers, experts from multilateral organizations and the United Nations and will feature lectures by renowned authorities in the fields of Labour and Social Security.

Important issues on the agenda include identifying successful experiences in the region with special attention being paid to highlighting the important role of technology in

promoting workforce inclusion, social protection programmes for at-risk groups and labour market regulations to diminish informality.

Minister Dunn will make his contribution to the seminar through delivery of his address to a high-level panel discussion on Labour Inclusion and Inequality. He is expected to return to Jamaica on July 2, 2023.


Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
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By: MLSS PR Unit 0

Labour and Social Security State Minister to Depart to Attend Third Regional Seminar on Social Development in Santiago, Chile

labour ministry with coat of arms

Communication Unit

1F North Street, Kingston

Tel: (876) 967-5484

Fax: (876) 948-2831

Friday, July 23, 2023


Labour and Social Security State Minister to Depart to Attend Third Regional Seminar on Social Development in Santiago, Chile


Dr. the Hon. Norman Dunn, State Minister of Labor and Social Security, will leave the country tomorrow to represent Jamaica at the eagerly awaited Third Regional Seminar on Social Development in Santiago, Chile.

Key experts from across the region will gather at the seminar, which will be held under the theme “Promoting Labour Inclusion as a Way to Overcome Inequalities and Informality in Latin America and the Caribbean,” to discuss critical issues pertaining to Social Development and Economic Prosperity.

This third Regional Seminar on Social Development aims to foster discussion on labor inclusion policies that advance efforts to close gaps among academics, labor policy decision-makers in the region, and experts from multilateral organizations and the United Nations.

The Seminar will take place from June 27–June 29, 2023, and will feature lectures by renowned authorities in the fields of Labour and Social Security. The importance of technology in promoting workforce inclusion, social protection programs for at-risk groups, and labour market regulations to diminish informality are among the important issues on the agenda.

The State Minister of Labour and Social Security is expected to return to Jamaica on July 2, 2023.


Contact: MLSS Communication Unit (876) 967-5484
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